Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Parts, parts parts!

The carb kit arrived (I decided to go with the carb kit) and seeing all those bright, shiny bits gets me all revved up to be working on the bike. Now that I can finally re-assemble the carbs I'm thinking about doing some kind of crazy stop-action animation of the assembly or a dramatic montage of the process...

...or maybe I should just get it done...

As far as the rest of the movie goes, things are going well and we've got the first interview under our belts. I should be able to post a few stills from that day shortly, Mike was busy with the clicky-clicky camera that day so we might have some real photographs (as opposed to frames swiped from the film).

The next thing I need to concentrate on is setting up the remaining interviews. From some of the emails I've received and the statistics for this and our company website ( it looks like interest is growing in the project and we've received many kind words from motorcyclists out there anxious to see the finished product. As of now we're still on schedule for 2008 and if everything goes as planned we should be screening the film in the late summer/early fall. It's wayyy to early to be talking about release dates but anyone reading this blog should already be accustomed to seeing things change from week to week.

If we have time we may begin posting some video from the film as it progresses. It's allot more work than just typing and posting random pictures, but if there is interest from the audience that might motivate us to exert the effort. Drop us a comment here if that's something you'd like to see.

For now, I should get back to those carburetors...

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Unrelated Updates

This last weekend we shot our first formal interview with Bill from Motorcycle Performance. While we're in the process of logging the footage and checking out the audio, we also finally released our most recent short film "The Mark" as part of Fox's Storyteller competition on

Check out the film at the URL below and vote for us!